So this is how I spent last Saturday morning - building a bulldozer and jackhammer out of kinex/legos. My boys begged and begged for me to build it until I finally gave in. I think it lasted all of 12 minutes before the boys started taking it apart, but I learned that I have a talent for building toys out of legos. I think I missed my calling in life - I should've been a professional lego builder. :)
Or you could have just played legos with me! Those skills definitely come in handy when playing with little boys. Can't wait to see you guys!
Wow, definite talent! Good thing we're mature enough not to get mad at our kids when they immediately take apart our projects that take us ever to make for them! :)
Lol. You are definitely the mom of little boys, Bethany because that is exactly what happened. :)
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